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Reading Discussion Chapter 7

Discussion Chapter 7

Q Go back and review all of the postings on the Article Summaries: Chapter 7. You should be able to gain a pretty solid understanding of each of the articles by reading over the multiple summaries and analyses. Please create a post that answers the following questions: What forms of social control were the most effective in deterring deviant behavior in these studies? In other words, what bonds, versions of internal/external control did you see as being effective in stopping forms of deviance in these texts? How do these examples help you understand the core ideas of this chapter? How do they connect? What can we learn about our deviance, and how our society shapes deviance from these texts? Please provide at least two substantial comments on your classmates' responses that seek to deepen the analysis or provide some other kind of connection. Try looking for answers that challenge what you thought before or make you think of something new! Your initial post and comments have the same due date.

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The articles provide a new idea about viewing deviance. Both the articles offer a unique aspect to the concept of deviance. However, both focus on self-control and the different ways that self-control can affect one’s deviant behavior. The article “Self-Control, Opportunity, and College Students’ Bystander Intervention in Sexually Coercive Situations” highlights that even if a friend is deviant, one can intervene without learning the deviant act. So, it is not always necessary that one would learn deviance due to external control. A person’s internal control can prevent the person from acting hostile.